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On Nov. 5, Elect Joe Martinez TO CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 4

"It's time for the next generation to carry their own weight..."


About JOE


Fairfield City Council (District 4)

  • Labor Union President, Local Law Enforcement Agency (2018-2024)

  • Deputy Probation Officer - Solano County (2007 - Present)

  • Board Member - Matt Garcia Foundation (2013-2018)

  • A Founding Member - Kiwanis Club of Solano County (2012) 

  • Creator - "Giving Our Hearts to Fairfield" Civic Engagement Campaign (2012) - 2013 City Pride Calendar

  • Vice Chair - City of Fairfield Youth Commission (1999-2001)​​​​​

Step Up to The Plate, Fairfield!


At Martinez For Fairfield 2024, we are committed to championing the needs of District #4.

We invite you to embark on this journey with us to shape a brighter future for our community. Together, we can effect positive change and cultivate a more resilient and vibrant Fairfield for all.

Plan of Action


Houseless Issue

Our plan is to establish service hubs across our city that will provide critical resources to our unhoused neighbors, including access to mental health support, substance abuse counseling, and essential services. We will offer cell phones to ensure they can be contacted when beds, hygiene facilities, or food services become available, all while respecting their privacy and gaining their consent to create an information database.


WildFire Prevention

We will ensure regular communication between city, county, and state firefighting agencies to coordinate daily wildfire prevention strategies during peak season. We are committed to fully supporting our firefighters by providing them with the necessary equipment and logistical support. Additionally, we will actively seek funding for wildfire prevention from local, county, state, and federal sources, as well as from private businesses, to protect our community.



We will create a new commission to ignite city pride and increase civic engagement by encouraging participation in existing community organizations. This commission will also develop and implement innovative projects to boost city revenue and further strengthen our local economy.



We will prioritize the maintenance of landscaping, lighting, roads, and common fencing to ensure a high standard of living in our city. We will enforce city codes to preserve the character of our neighborhoods while also promoting transparency about how city funds are allocated. Additionally, we will seek out alternative funding sources to sustain our roadways and enhance the beauty of our public spaces.



We will establish a partnership between the city government and the school district to create a curriculum that educates our youth, new citizens, and retirees about how city services—such as road maintenance, landscaping, police, fire, parks and recreation, and city planning—are managed. This program will foster civic understanding and engagement across generations, helping to build a stronger, more informed community.


Doug Carr Profile

Doug Carr,

City of Fairfield Councilman

"Joe has the experience and vibrant spirit to make Fairfield the best. With great trust and confidence, I endorse Joe Martinez."

Erin Hannigan Profile

Erin Hannigan,

Solano County Board of Supervisor

“Joe Martinez is the new voice Fairfield needs! He will advocate for city policies that will continue to promote public safety and energize the economy for the next generation to thrive in."

Arvinda Krishnan Profile

ArVInda krishnan,

city of fairfield treasurer

“Steadfast leadership and his masterclass talent to motivate others is who Joe Martinez is.”

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Vote for Joe Martinez

Make contribution checks payable to:

Joe Martinez for Fairfield City Council 2024



We value your input! Share your insights, ideas, and concerns with us. Together, we can strive towards a more promising future for Fairfield.


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